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Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to School Organizing . . . set up a homework station!

Ah, school supplies. I just love them! I have to admit, I have bought a few too many boxes of crayons this year (and my kids rarely even use them anymore) just because I can't pass them up at a mere $.20 a box. Seriously!

But Back to School can also mean Back to Clutter. You know what I'm talking about. And I am no expert in this department . . . so I turned to one of my favorite organizing experts on one of my favorite organizing blogs. Aby Garvey has a great website called Simplify 101, and her article on Getting Organized for Homework totally spoke to me. Aby suggests setting up a homework station. I took Aby's great advice, and it is working like a charm (ok, I know it is only week 2, but so far so good).

I purchased a simple basket and added the following items:

- pencils (sharpened) . . . and an electric sharpener nearby
- crayons
- highlighters
- extra notebooks and notebook paper
- erasers
- glue sticks
- scissors
- ruler
- markers
- stapler
- calculator
- file folders (with each family member labeled clearly)

No more wasted time looking for a glue stick! No more wasted time trying to find the stapler (although, I have a son that likes to use the stapler for everything . . . hopefully this one can stay put). And all of their schedules, class disclosures and even the lunch menu has a place for easy reference. I am sure we will add and subtract items (school lingo, get it?) as the year goes on until we have come up with the perfect solution to our homework needs. I am loving it so far! More organized equals a one happy mom!

We are off to a great start! And it feels great! Even my boys were a little excited about their homework station - and that is pretty dang hard to get them excited about anything homework related. Well, except for my stapler loving son. He shares my love for school supplies. Man, I love that kid.

So, set up a homework station! It might just take away a little bit of homework stress! And we can all use some of that!

And obviously, clean feels good!


  1. I'm off to Walmart or Target tomorrow to buy a beautiful Homework station container! I'm sure it will usually be out on the kitchen table so I want to find a cute one. Any ideas? Thx for your help! Clean does feel OH sooooo good!

  2. I chose to buy a basket from one of my favorite stores - TJ Maxx. It looks great and was inexpensive too. They have a great selection right now. I used buckets from the Target dollar spot to keep the pencils, crayons, etc. separate and organized. I also think a silverware caddy would be a good idea - they also have cute ones and TJ Maxx and Ross Dress for Less. Gotta love a good deal!
