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Do you love all things clean as much as I do? Then definitely check back often. I am planning to keep this updated with all my favorite cleaning tips and other interesting stuff.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I am not a clean freak....

Although I could be. There is a part of me that would love to live in a dust free house that smells like bleach all the time. I would love vacuum lines to stay in the carpet and always have windows that sparkle. Really, that would make me happy on so many levels.

BUT, I live in a house with other people. Male people. A husband and three boys. So my idea of a clean house is not in any way a reality. So I am just doing what most everyone else is doing. Just trying to get by the best I can.

SO, here is my brilliant cleaning tip for the day.

Chill out.

This is obviously a reminder for yours truly, that my house can't stay clean all of the time. That is why we actually have to clean it. So, when I get overwhelmed (like I am right now) I just need to remember to relax. I'll get to it eventually. I always do! And the thing is, all of those cleaning and organizing projects always wait for you.

And you know, clean feels good!